Sunday, August 15, 2010

Ready, set, go!

Well, Monday morning is the kickoff for us. We've finally picked a week that doesn't mean canceling any big parties, or camping trips. Monday till Saturday, we will live life without all the extras. Everyone seems on board, and on the way home, we talked about all the things we could or couldn't do. "do we get to play with our hedgehog? do we get to play with our frog? what about the cats?" (poor dog never got mentioned) I told them those things were responsibilities, so yes, they should play with them.
Ethan was " we get to play with Lego...Rockband?" I said "no". "so...can I play with Lego...rockband?" he wasn't getting it. :o)
Meals are going to be minimal, and any extras will be put off till the following week. Even today one of them went without lunch because of the fuss over what was being served. I'm hoping that will be avoided to some extent after experiencing the minimal week of food we experience.
I won't be on facebook answering questions, so for those wondering about what I'm cutting out, i've agreed to cutting back on most everything, altho a few things are still necessary due to my work. FB isn't one of them, playing on my iphone isn't one of them, and lunches will have to wait till the following week, altho in my defense, those are usually not play times. Nevertheless, I'll submit to the spirit of the week and forgo the working lunches.
I'll attempt to blog each day thru out this week to give some indication of what's coming up for us as a family and individually.

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