Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Family meeting

Well, we've broken the news! Expressions such as "I think I'm going to die", "this doesn't mean tv right?", "can I stay with a friend all week?", and other classics.
It was neat to hear them start to imagine how they'll use charcoal from a burned stick to color with, and some games of imagination they'll use to keep busy.
One of Laura's and my responses are "no, you can't have that cause most of the world doesn't get to enjoy that. That's a privilege." Over all, we were pleased with the response. I'll let you know when kick off is.

Paul Stanley


I don't know about you, but things around here are getting out of whack! How come my family, including me, tends to be so ungrateful? Well, here goes! Laura and I have decided to take one week this summer to recalibrate the family. Bare minimum. No extras. Very challenging to say the least.

Meals will be rice, and a vegetable. Meat is such a delicacy. No spices, sauces, juices etc. Just what we need to have energy.

No entertainment besides what a stick, mud puddle, whistle made from a blade of grass, or the make-belief will get you.

No travel to go to a friends, or to go see a movie. No electronics at home. Goodbye laptop.

If you're interested to see how it goes, follow along and I'll post on FB when the week we won't soon forget gets kicked off.

I'm interested to see how long afterward it'll take for me to hear "I'm bored" once again.