Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Monday, what a day

Monday turned out to be quite a day of change. Each of us evaluating what living life without would be like...in short we all agree it would make our lives much different.

Taylor for instance, commented at supper that eating pretty much the same for supper as he ate for lunch, made him appreciate having variety. This is how the menu was laid out.

Breakfast allowed for either toast and butter, or oatmeal with milk. No sugars or peanut butter. Mercy went to the garden, found two lone raspberries and squished them on her bread. :) I said that worked.

Lunch consisted of carrots, broccoli, some noodles, sauteed, then white rice added. Water all around

Supper consisted of pretty much the same, only this time they could put it in pieces of lettuce to make lettuce wraps. The biggest laugh, tears included, came with Laura and my inside joke, as we made faces at each other, choking down the tasteless food. (making me laugh now just thinking about her expressions)

a piece of fruit for night snack was awesome, as it was a juicy peach...mmmm it was good.

Some funny statements were as follows.

Mercy: while lying across me, pretending to be dying, with her tongue hanging out, eyes rolled back, its all she can do to whisper "chicken chef".

Laura: she laughed as she caught herself saying "soya sauce, I don't like soya sauce"

Precious: "can i at least have a carrot?" Laura says "sure". a couple of minutes later Laura hears her "i can't get any more dip out of this bottle". she was quite disturbed to find she wasn't getting any dip, just a plain ole carrot.

Ethan: he was still struggling with the concept, as he came back with his lunch not eaten and pipes up "can I have a peach instead!" Shoulder drooped, head hanging, he walked back to finish his lunch.

Positive note in reflection was all six of us on the deck all evening, because there wasn't any computers to look at, tv to watch, video games to play, or places to drive. Precious pipes up and says "this is kind of like family time". I had to agree.

How did the day finish off? after kids were in bed, Laura walked in to see me with two chocolate chip cookies in hand, of course one was for her. She said "i would feel like such a cheater". I said I understood and attempt to walk away...I said attempted to walk away. I'll leave it there.

1 comment:

  1. Ok how did I mis this? I read your blog this morning Paul and cried. I loved it. And I could feel all the frustrations of the limits. Now I have to go read back and see how it all began! ~Janice
